BACK PAIN RELIEF: ANNUAL REFLECTION PRACTICE 2022 back pain back pain relief back rehab new years resolutions spondy spondylolisthesis Dec 27, 2021

Timecheck: We are in the final days of 2021 and we are two and a half years into this pandemic. For many, back pain is getting worse and back pain relief is hard to come by.

I chose the elephant for this week's image because unspoken health issues that need more attention are like the elephant in...

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SPINAL DECOMPRESSION: PART 1 back pain back pain exercises back pain relief back rehab backfit pro ddd degenerative disc disease herniated disc low back pain retrain back pain slipped disc spinal fusion spinal traction spondy spondylolisthesis stenosis traction Nov 23, 2021

Did you know that gravity causes your spine to compress by about fifteen percent during the day?

Did you also know that sitting is notably more compressive for your vertebral column than standing or reclining?

This is generally good to know, but what can you do about it??


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LIMBIC LOVE REDUCES BACK PAIN back pain back pain relief back rehab chronic back pain degenerative disc disease herniated disc low back pain low back pain relief retrain back pain spinal fusion spinal surgery spondy spondylitis spondylolisthesis stenosis Nov 07, 2021

Have you ever had an ache or a pain that wouldn't go away? Or when it does, it seems to reappear in a different part of the body? Sometimes it hops from one side of the body to the other.

One of the issues I see with current back pain treatment is that it's largely "mechanistic", going after the...

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SPINAL DECOMPRESSION, PART 2 back pain back pain exercises back pain relief back rehab back stretches back traction degenerative disc disease low back pain low back pain relief modic changes spinal fusion spondy spondylolisthesis stenosis Nov 01, 2021

My friend and colleague, Dr. Jerome Fryer, in British Columbia has conducted a pilot study on loading and unloading the spine using a seated spinal decompression technique. He has graciously given me permission to reprint (and reword) one of his recent blog articles, relating to his...

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UNSTUCK YOUR MINDSET back pain back pain relief back rehab backfit pro backpain herniated disc injury management low back pain retrain back pain spondy spondylolisthesis stenosis therapy balls tune up fitness yoga for back pain yoga tune up Oct 17, 2021

There's lots to be grateful for having gotten this far in a well-lived life!

Besides irreplaceable experiences and new friendships, many of the adventures, travels and sports you've enjoyed over the years may have also resulted in a few injuries. Am I right?

If you feel like you’re in a...

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TOP TEN REASONS TO RETREAT WITH ME back management back pain back pain relief back stretches core exercises for back pain costa rica fitness retreat pura vida retreat2022 yoga retreat Oct 07, 2021

I'm really excited for this incredible event, which also happens to be my only in-person teaching gig for the foreseeable future.

Our retreat is all set for February 3rd to 8th!

My husband, Henry, will be joining us, the first couple of rezziees have rolled in (and gotten free airfare!) and I've...

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A PAIN MANAGEMENT STORY ankle pain back pain injury rehab injury rehabilitation nociception pain proprioception Oct 03, 2021

Have you ever noticed how old injuries seem to be creeping back in to your life with greater frequency?

It’s so annoying, right??

This weekend my husband and I enjoyed another fabulous Harlem “Open Streets” dance party hosted by local legend, DJ Hard Hittin' Harry. We danced for...

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LOW BACK PAIN: HOW TO GET A DIAGNOSIS back exercises back pain back rehab back stretches degenerative disc disease herniated disc holistic health low back pain lumbar fusion natural health spine spondy spondylolisthesis stenosis Sep 27, 2021

Is there anything worse than being in pain and having to run around, trying to find someone who can help you figure out why you're in pain?!

The fact that so many people are struggling at navigating the same healthcare maze for back pain drives me bonkers. It's like we are all...

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CONSTIPATION, BACK PAIN AND PRUNES back pain back pain relief constipation prune Jan 10, 2021

If you're constipated, no need to be embarrassed, it's quite common!

But did you know that back pain and many of the pain killers prescribed to treat back pain can lead to constipation?

Did you know that constipation often makes back pain worse?

Did you know that prunes are more effective...

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USE YOUR TONGUE TO RELIEVE BACK PAIN back pain back rehab breathing mewing posture spine tongue position Sep 30, 2020


Five years ago I taught a workshop that included head, neck, jaw and tongue positioning for optimal spine health.

Minds were blown

After the workshop I felt I had “over-reached” and I vowed to mute that schpiel until “later” because it seemed to...

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HIP HINGE back pain back rehab bulging disc degenerated disc glutes herniated disc hip hinge hips posture spondy spondylolisthesis squat stenosis Sep 10, 2020
  • For anyone rehabbing back pain, the hip hinge is without a doubt one of the top movements to master!

  • The hinge, when done well, drives flexion and extension through your mighty glute muscles, sparing your back.

    When you think about it, you probably hinge about 100 times a day....moving from...

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WHAT'S THE BEST POSITION? back pain back pain relief home office posture retrain back pain standing desk work from home Aug 06, 2020

Sit? Stand? Kneel? Recline?

What IS the best position when working from home?

The answer is ALL of them!

The best position is really “the next position”



Try standing in the morning, sitting for lunch, half-kneeling after lunch and reclining towards the end of day.

Take plenty of...

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