HOW MUCH SLEEP DO I REALLY NEED? low back pain relief recommended sleep retrainbackpain sleep Jan 24, 2020

Your body needs sleep to repair and recover. If you aren't getting the recommended amount of sleep, let's talk, I can help you to establish better sleep hygiene. It's estimated that 40% of Americans aren't getting the recommended amount of sleep.

Adults should aim to get 7-9 hours of...

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10 SOLUTIONS TO SLEEPLESSNESS back pain back pain exercises back pain relief back rehab back stretches causes of low back pain low back pain low back pain relief lower back pain retrain back pain sleep stretching for lower back pain traction Mar 04, 2017

Sleep is the salve that allows our mind and body to rest, regenerate, heal and grow. Lack of sleep has been linked to deleterious effects later in life: heart disease, cancer, depression and obesity among other things.

This may not be rocket science, but the way to get more sleep is to identify...

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