STAY STRONG, STAY STEADY: PREVENTING FALLS FOR WOMEN WITH BONE LOSS back exercises back pain low back exercises low back pain menopause osteopenia osteoporosis prevent osteoporosis Feb 04, 2025

Stay Strong, Stay Steady: Preventing Falls for Active Midlife Women

The Facts You Need to Know

  • Falls are the leading cause of unintentional injury death for adults 65 and older in the U.S.
  • In 2018, 27.5% of older adults reported falling at least once, equating to 714 falls per 1,000 older adults...
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EXPERT TIPS TO RELIEVE BACK PAIN, SET GOALS AND STAY ACTIVE (WITHOUT GETTING STUCK) back exercises back injury back pain exercises back relief chronic low back pain low back pain Jan 23, 2025

How to Create Health and Fitness Goals That Stick

Achieving health and fitness goals can feel overwhelming, but with the right mindset, tools, and community support, you can build a routine that not only helps you feel better but also lasts a lifetime. Let’s break it down into three simple...

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LOW BACK PAIN: HOW TO GET A DIAGNOSIS back exercises back pain back rehab back stretches degenerative disc disease herniated disc holistic health low back pain lumbar fusion natural health spine spondy spondylolisthesis stenosis Sep 27, 2021

Is there anything worse than being in pain and having to run around, trying to find someone who can help you figure out why you're in pain?!

The fact that so many people are struggling at navigating the same healthcare maze for back pain drives me bonkers. It's like we are all...

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DOSAGE, BABY, DOSAGE! back exercises back rehab degenerated disc herniated disc low back pain retrain back pain spondy spondylolisthesis stenosis Sep 30, 2020


Are you over-protecting your injury? Or do you find yourself over-doing it and then suffering recurring setbacks?

Both are quite common.

One day you may be feeling like “Everything hurts” (overprotecting) then suddenly you feel like “I haven’t felt this good...

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WORD CLOUDING RBP back exercises back rehab back stretches breathing low back pain nutrition physical therapy for back pain retrain back pain yoga for back pain Jul 26, 2019

What is Retrain Back Pain®?

RBP introduces users to a plethora of self-care skills which originate from multiple treatment disciplines. This program pulls some of the best practices from each of the therapeutic disciplines listed above.

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AXIAL LOADING back exercises back pain farmers carry grip osteopenia prevent osteoporosis retrainbackpain spine spondy spondylolisthesis strengthen back Jan 30, 2019


a.k.a. “The Farmers Carry”

Loading the spine means adding weight to the head or shoulders

Carrying weight this way loads the shoulders, which then load the spine

It teaches your postural muscles how to resist collapsing, thereby fortifying your supporting back and...

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SIDE SQUATS ARE BETTER THAN SIDE PLANKS back exercises back pain back pain exercises back rehab core exercise core strength hip exercises hip strength low back pain mcgill big 3 retrain back pain squat Jan 09, 2019
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