STAY STRONG, STAY STEADY: PREVENTING FALLS FOR WOMEN WITH BONE LOSS back exercises back pain low back exercises low back pain menopause osteopenia osteoporosis prevent osteoporosis Feb 04, 2025

Stay Strong, Stay Steady: Preventing Falls for Active Midlife Women

The Facts You Need to Know

  • Falls are the leading cause of unintentional injury death for adults 65 and older in the U.S.
  • In 2018, 27.5% of older adults reported falling at least once, equating to 714 falls per 1,000 older adults...
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EXPERT TIPS TO RELIEVE BACK PAIN, SET GOALS AND STAY ACTIVE (WITHOUT GETTING STUCK) back exercises back injury back pain exercises back relief chronic low back pain low back pain Jan 23, 2025

How to Create Health and Fitness Goals That Stick

Achieving health and fitness goals can feel overwhelming, but with the right mindset, tools, and community support, you can build a routine that not only helps you feel better but also lasts a lifetime. Let’s break it down into three simple...

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BACK PAIN ACCOUNTING back pain back pain relief back pain remedy back pain sucks back rehab biopsychosocial causes of low back pain chronic low back pain exercises for spondy holistic back care low back low back pain low back pain relief spondylolisthesis Aug 01, 2022

You can listen to the Retrain Back Pain Podcast recording of this topic here

After reading the subject line of this article, you might be wondering, "What does accounting have to do with back pain and moving the way I love to move?!"

It's is not all about exercise do's and don'ts

Doing some...

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SUGAR, INFLAMMATION AND BACK PAIN antiinflammatory diet back pain relief backfitpro backpain chronic pain inflammation low back pain spondy spondylitis spondylolisthesis sugar tune up fitness yoga tune up Mar 24, 2022

Chances are that if your back (or any other body part) hurts, you’ve got some inflammation happening.

When working well, inflammation is a wonderful, natural process that helps your body to heal injuries.

If inflammation sticks around for too long or when your inflammatory system becomes...

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HOW DO YOU KNOW IF YOU'RE INFLAMED? antiinflammatory back pain backfitpro chronic low back pain chronic pain ddd degenerative disc disease inflammation low back pain nutrition spondy spondylolisthesis therapy balls tune up fitness Mar 12, 2022

I was recently speaking with one of my 1:1 clients about inflammation when she stopped me mid-sentence to insist that she definitely doesn't have inflammation because when she "gets a cut, it heals quickly".


Inflammation is actually referred to as The Silent Killer...


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HOW TO STOP YOUR BACK FROM HURTING back pain back pain relief ddd low back pain sijd spondy spondylolisthesis stenosis Mar 02, 2022

How can you stop your back from hurting if you can’t stop hurting your back?


The number one way to stop your back from hurting is to stop hurting your back.

I don't mean to sound smug, but you know, sometimes the simplest things can have really profound effects

I catch many...

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DOES POSTURE MATTER? anterolisthesis back pain back pain relief ergonomics low back pain retrolisthesis sitting sitting posture spinal fusion spine spondy spondylitis spondylolisthesis wfh Jan 28, 2022

Reprinted, with permission, from my Australian colleague, Dr. Andrew Locke.

Dr. Andrew's response to the question "Does posture matter?" was intended for the professionals spewing nonsense all over social media on this topic.

Instead of re-writing the whole shebang, I've just added a few [notes...

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SPINAL DECOMPRESSION: PART 1 back pain back pain exercises back pain relief back rehab backfit pro ddd degenerative disc disease herniated disc low back pain retrain back pain slipped disc spinal fusion spinal traction spondy spondylolisthesis stenosis traction Nov 23, 2021

Did you know that gravity causes your spine to compress by about fifteen percent during the day?

Did you also know that sitting is notably more compressive for your vertebral column than standing or reclining?

This is generally good to know, but what can you do about it??


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LIMBIC LOVE REDUCES BACK PAIN back pain back pain relief back rehab chronic back pain degenerative disc disease herniated disc low back pain low back pain relief retrain back pain spinal fusion spinal surgery spondy spondylitis spondylolisthesis stenosis Nov 07, 2021

Have you ever had an ache or a pain that wouldn't go away? Or when it does, it seems to reappear in a different part of the body? Sometimes it hops from one side of the body to the other.

One of the issues I see with current back pain treatment is that it's largely "mechanistic", going after the...

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SPINAL DECOMPRESSION, PART 2 back pain back pain exercises back pain relief back rehab back stretches back traction degenerative disc disease low back pain low back pain relief modic changes spinal fusion spondy spondylolisthesis stenosis Nov 01, 2021

My friend and colleague, Dr. Jerome Fryer, in British Columbia has conducted a pilot study on loading and unloading the spine using a seated spinal decompression technique. He has graciously given me permission to reprint (and reword) one of his recent blog articles, relating to his...

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WHAT'S A BACKFITPRO? back pain relief back rehab back stretches backfitpro backpain degenerative disc disease disc herniation herniated disc low back pain low back pain relief retrain back pain spinal fusion spinal fusion rehab spondy spondylolisthesis stenosis Oct 24, 2021

I don't flash my credentials around much. But it might be helpful to lay out the groundwork for where I'm coming from in order to understand why Retrain Back Pain is proving to be so successful.

I've been working in nutrition and therapeutic fitness for twenty-two years. I may have met some of...

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UNSTUCK YOUR MINDSET back pain back pain relief back rehab backfit pro backpain herniated disc injury management low back pain retrain back pain spondy spondylolisthesis stenosis therapy balls tune up fitness yoga for back pain yoga tune up Oct 17, 2021

There's lots to be grateful for having gotten this far in a well-lived life!

Besides irreplaceable experiences and new friendships, many of the adventures, travels and sports you've enjoyed over the years may have also resulted in a few injuries. Am I right?

If you feel like you’re in a...

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