back pain
back pain relief
back rehab
chronic back pain
degenerative disc disease
herniated disc
low back pain
low back pain relief
retrain back pain
spinal fusion
spinal surgery
Nov 07, 2021
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Have you ever had an ache or a pain that wouldn't go away? Or when it does, it seems to reappear in a different part of the body? Sometimes it hops from one side of the body to the other.
One of the issues I see with current back pain treatment is that it's largely "mechanistic", going after the...
acl rehab
back pain
knee rehab
retrain back pain
spinal surgery
therapy balls
tune up fitness
yoga tune up
Jan 30, 2018
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I didn't know that regular people could actively thrive for 30+ years without an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). Professional athletes with kickass professional therapy support, yes, but normal people?
Three decades ago, my orthopedists were clear that I would not be able to live an active,...
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