How To Turn Yourself On. Postural considerations for low back pain.
I don't flash my credentials around much. But it might be helpful to lay out the groundwork for where I'm coming from in order to understand why Retrain Back Pain is proving to be so successful.
I've been working in nutrition and therapeutic fitness for twenty-two years. I may have met some of...
What you're looking at is an x-ray of an individual in an extreme pose of spinal extension. I don't know the individual or their medical history.
It begs the question: Can you be too flexible? Let's see...
Contortionists, gymnasts, dancers, yogis, all of these athletes excel at their sport...
It is high time to retrain the misinformation pipe line regarding back pain! Today let’s look at hermiations
Disc herniations are common
Despite imaging results, disc herniations are often found in asymptomatic individuals
This may not be a consolation if...