UNSTUCK YOUR MINDSET back pain back pain relief back rehab backfit pro backpain herniated disc injury management low back pain retrain back pain spondy spondylolisthesis stenosis therapy balls tune up fitness yoga for back pain yoga tune up Oct 17, 2021

There's lots to be grateful for having gotten this far in a well-lived life!

Besides irreplaceable experiences and new friendships, many of the adventures, travels and sports you've enjoyed over the years may have also resulted in a few injuries. Am I right?

If you feel like you’re in a...

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LOW BACK PAIN: HOW TO GET A DIAGNOSIS back exercises back pain back rehab back stretches degenerative disc disease herniated disc holistic health low back pain lumbar fusion natural health spine spondy spondylolisthesis stenosis Sep 27, 2021

Is there anything worse than being in pain and having to run around, trying to find someone who can help you figure out why you're in pain?!

The fact that so many people are struggling at navigating the same healthcare maze for back pain drives me bonkers. It's like we are all...

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THIS IS YOUR BACK! back muscles back rehab core strength low back pain retrain back pain spondy spondylolisthesis Oct 06, 2020

THIS IS YOUR BACK! Isn't it beautiful?

You see all those muscles back there?

While strengthening your core is important, please seize the opportunity to also train all these other muscles which form the “myofascial scaffolding” for your spine.

That is all.

xo Dinneen

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DOSAGE, BABY, DOSAGE! back exercises back rehab degenerated disc herniated disc low back pain retrain back pain spondy spondylolisthesis stenosis Sep 30, 2020


Are you over-protecting your injury? Or do you find yourself over-doing it and then suffering recurring setbacks?

Both are quite common.

One day you may be feeling like “Everything hurts” (overprotecting) then suddenly you feel like “I haven’t felt this good...

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HIP HINGE back pain back rehab bulging disc degenerated disc glutes herniated disc hip hinge hips posture spondy spondylolisthesis squat stenosis Sep 10, 2020
  • For anyone rehabbing back pain, the hip hinge is without a doubt one of the top movements to master!

  • The hinge, when done well, drives flexion and extension through your mighty glute muscles, sparing your back.

    When you think about it, you probably hinge about 100 times a day....moving from...

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LAUNDRY IS A BITCH chronic back pain disc housework laundry low back low back rehab retrain back pain spondy spondylolisthesis stenosis Jul 14, 2020

Got Laundry?!

Is lockdown over yet?

Laundry can be a bitch if you've got back pain.

Housework done carelessly can be hell for your back

Seriously, doing housework is an olympic athletic endeavor!

Moving around at home is the best time to drop in to a hip hinge and/or squat

Why be dainty?...

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TOP TEN QUESTIONS (AND ANSWERS) ABOUT SPONDYLOLISTHESIS back pain back rehab retrainbackpain spondy spondylolisthesis Feb 10, 2020

1. What is spondylolisthesis?

Spondylolisthesis refers to slippage (usually forward) of a vertebra relative to the vertebra below it. The Greek root spondylo means spine, and listhesis means to slip or slide.

2. What is “Spondy” and how is it different from...

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5 TIPS FOR LIVING WITH SPONDYLOLISTHESIS spondy spondylolisthesis Jan 16, 2020

Spondylolisthesis has seven syllables. It's hard to pronounce, impossible to remember and can be dreadful to live with. To make it easier to pronounce, we call it "spondy" for short. To make it easier to live with, I've compiled this list.

Here are Five Tips for Living with Spondylolisthesis:


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THE SPINAL FUSION SCAM back pain back pain relief back surgery low back pain spinal fusion spondy spondylolisthesis spondylolysis Jun 21, 2019

Lumbar fusion surgeries have increased 62.3%* since 2015.

Why? There are no checks and balances in the medical industry. This spinal fusion scam involves blatant workers comp fraud, $25k kickbacks to unscrupulous surgeons to perform fusions and counterfeit hardware that’s made in a...

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AXIAL LOADING back exercises back pain farmers carry grip osteopenia prevent osteoporosis retrainbackpain spine spondy spondylolisthesis strengthen back Jan 30, 2019


a.k.a. “The Farmers Carry”

Loading the spine means adding weight to the head or shoulders

Carrying weight this way loads the shoulders, which then load the spine

It teaches your postural muscles how to resist collapsing, thereby fortifying your supporting back and...

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HYDRATE YOUR SPINE hydrate your spine lower back pain nutrition for back pain retrain back pain spine spine movement spondy spondylolisthesis Dec 20, 2017

You probably know you should drink more water but maybe you don't remember exactly why.

Hearing that "your life depends on it" is just vague enough for most of us to be able to ignore it.

So allow me to remind you of some of the relevant ways in which water is the elixir of life and how it is...

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