Mar 27, 2017Many of us hold stress in our neck and upper back/shoulder area and so let’s explore into the trapezius, rhomboids and muscles of the upper back. Yoga Tune Up Fitness® is an effective “next step” for yogis, athletes, manual therapists and anyone looking to "live better in their bodies". It's a combination of self-massage, corrective exercise, strengthening and achieving greater body awareness. A key part of the overall Yoga Tune Up Fitness® practice includes the The Roll Model® Therapy Balls: Truly a life-changing self-massage tool. That's right, LIFE CHANGING! I LOVE MY BALLS and don't leave home without them! Many of you may already have a set of these therapy balls. I may have even given you an hour's worth of guidance or various micro-region fix-its.
I encourage you to to go the the Yoga Tune Up® website to peruse Jill Miller's free Quick Fix Videos. Here is one of my favorite Upper Back Therapy Balls sequences. This live link takes you directly to the YTU You Tube channel, which is loaded with terrific short how-to videos. If you have five minutes, you can do this. You know you knead it!